On the Road!: 2008 April 4-7: Seattle * May 15-20: Denver
It's Your World!
Welcome To It!
Travel is one of my great passions. It is also a great and fortunate privilege.
Some countries make it very difficult for their citizens to travel
abroad and the US does this to a relatively limited extent, banning
travel to a few countries. Economics, more than law, is a limiting
factor for leaving one's home. A middle class American can easily
afford to travel, although that may mean abstaining from other
More to the point it is hard for citizens of poor countries to enter
wealthier countries. Friends from Pakistan and Serbia, for example,
report considerable problems in travel. With a US Passport it is easy
to get into almost any country of the world.
Meeting people in foreign lands, learning something of their
experiences, cultures, and perspectives is a terrific experience. As an
astrologer I always enjoy seeing how astrology fits into local culture
and history. And of course the experience of art, architecture, food,
and history in new places is always eye opening.
As America is such a Cancerian nation (born on July 4!) and Cancerians
are such stick-at-homes, Americans tend to think of international travel
as something terribly expensive and difficult, but it's not really. As
far as money goes, we make choices and doing without some other
pleasures frees up money to go abroad. trust me, it requires no heroic
sacrifices! Getting a passport isn't really difficult; there are forms
at the post office! And the internet makes it very easy to find and
book hotels wherever you want to go.
It is helpful -- and enriches your visit -- to learn at least a little
of the language wherever you go. The smallest effort will win sympathy.
Still, wherever you go these days you can find people who do speak
English -- and that includes almost anyone in the travel and hospitality
business. Just please, at least have the good manners to ask people in
their own language if they do speak English, and to thank them when
they do! Those "magic words" you learned in kindergarten -- please,
thank you, you're welcome, and excuse me -- are especially magic when
they're the only words you know in that language! Anyone can learn
those four common words in any language even in Arabic (minfadlik,
shukran, afwan, ahsif) or Japanese (dohzoh, dohmo arigato, doh
itashimashiteh, sumimasen). Learning them takes much less trouble than
not knowing them will cause! If you have time to invest it is
worthwhile to see what language classes your local community college
I've traveled in the countries listed to the left. Some of them link
to more information and pictures of those places. Ill be slowly
adding in more links -- and, InshaAllah! more countries -- but if
there's anywhere in particular you'd like to see filled in first, feel
free to write me and ask!