My Notes:
With Astrolog, download the ephemeris (Swiss or JPL) as the built in formulas for Jupiter and beyond ran out in 1999...
and then ALWAYS use the =b option.
My new Unix Astrolog upgrade from Valja's version 5.41g to version 5.43a features
Download astrolog543a.tar.gz for my latest version.
Download for my latest version. (untested on Windows)
Version 5.42a Changes
- Bug fix - Close PostScript files properly so that they are
created and Astrolog does not blow up.
- Display extra synodic period information on -HS option.
- Set the JPL ephemeris as the default ephemeris. DE406 is
available from
- Bug fix - On Unix convert tilde '~' found in filepath to value of
HOME environment variable.
- On Unix Put sleep() in main loop so that Astrolog does not hog
all spare machine cycles.
- Bug Fix - Right justify single digits in time/latitude/longitude
In an input file was a longitude of "122W8".
Astrolog was interpreting that as "122W80"...
- Add -ZL option (with -X) for Local Space charts
- Bug fix - set altitude of South Node when -YN switch set
Version 5.42b Changes
- Add warning message when ephemeris file not found.
- undo change 109 and default to the Swiss Ephemeris
- Fix change 112 - Right justify single digits in
time/latitude/longitude. The final size was not increased by 1
each time a zero was inserted so 3:8PM became 03:08 (and AM...)
- Display warning when files like atrolog.dat are not found.
- Search for environment variable ASTR5_42B not ASTR5.42b which is
an invalid variable name under unix.
- Add -Wall option to c-compiler options and now generate lots of
new warning messages... Time to clean up the code a bit.
Version 5.42c Changes
- Bug fix - String variable too short SzT PrintWheelCenter()
Version 5.43 Changes
- Convert to 64 bit and make everything "clean" compile.
Change all variables of type "long" to type "int".
Change many variables from type "byte" to type "char".
Version 5.43a Changes
- Display seconds in times of transits to charts.