Jack Fertig Astrology
Astrologers use a variety of forecasting techniques. I've tried a good many of them and what I find most reliable is simply sticking to Transits, that is to say looking where the planets are now (or at whatever time we're considering) in relationship to your chart. Some astrologers use various forms of progressions which refers to different types of symbolic motion. Most common of this sort are the "secondary progressions" which use a day-for-a-year formula. Simply to see what's going on in the 30th year of your life they would look at where the planets were on the 30th day of your life. I've never found this especially effective.
Using transits the fall of the Soviet Union was glaringly obvious years ahead of time. (It's nice to be a few steps ahead of the CIA!)
Clients have been able to enjoy happier results by knowing the timing of career cycles; or the best time to look for a job, buy a house, or to schedule an operation.
Birth Chart Analysis
Compatibility Analysis
Electional Charts