Bringing Astrology Down to Earth
Jack Fertig
Astrological Services
Birth Chart Analysis
Compatibility Analysis
Electional Charts
STAR CURRENTS: The Blog for Geo-Political Astrology
Thank you for visiting my site. I have been studying astrology since 1969 and practicing professionally since 1977. Well-known in the San Francisco Bay Area through long-running columns in local papers, I write the internationally syndicated sun-sign column, "Q-Scope". (In some papers it may run under different titles.)
Thanks to all who came to the International Astrology Day(s) lectures on March 17-18.
With brilliant speakers from near and far and an all day workshop with Rob Hand, it gets better every year and I'm extremely proud to be part of this effort. How will we top it next year?
In the meantime I am teaching the Intoduction to Geo-Political Astrology at the International Academy of Astrology Like all their classes it's online, so you can attend classes wherever you are. My classes are Tuesday from 5:00 to 6:30 pm Pacific Time (8:00 -- 9:30 Eastern). It does require a solid grounding in general astrology, but the IAA offers courses at all levels, and like the Breaking Down the Borders conference it does bring the best astrologers from around the world to your computer.
And, yes, I will be speaking again at theis year's Breaking Down the Borders conference.
I'm also happy to be one of the teachers in the San Francisco Astrological Society's Intermediate Satellite Classes Arranged as a series of three classes on the second Thursdays of the month, each module focuses on a different topic in natal astrology. Using the studetns' own charts you get to see, along with others, how the planets reflect your own experience. The next modules will begin in October. Check at the SFAS site for details and registration.
And of course I am pleased to be presenting my annual geo-political forecast for the year ahead through the local NCGR this December 8.

Some of my other articles are online here, including:
All About Eris, Our Newest Planet
Fraknoi's Complaint (an answer to the "Skeptics")
Uranus: the Queer Planet
Uranus square Pluto: The Revolutions of 2012-2016
A review of Jessica Murray's Soul-Sick Nation
Birth Charts of the 2012 Presidential Candidates
Active in the professional community I am a founding member of:
Through years of involvement in the professional community I am glad to be able to recommend other good astrologers and resources. Whether you choose to engage my services or another astrologer's, please beware of the many charlatans. Our profession is largely unregulated, so make sure your astrologer is a respected member of the professional community.
While my practice is located in San Francisco, I do travel a lot and could be in your area any time. Write me and we might arrange it!
Of course I will be at the United Astrology Conference in New Orleans May 24-29 and then in Houston for a few days. Please write ahead to arrange a consultation.