Jack Fertig Astrology
Birth Chart Analysis

Putting aside decades of calculating charts with logartithms and then hand calculators, I calculate all charts by computer for greater accuracy and clarity. Charts can now be generated so easily I no longer charge per chart, but simply by the hour.
A full birth chart reading can take two hours in which we methodically discuss the meaning of:
Each planet in its sign and house
Every aspect (angular relationship) between planets
Signs on house cusps
We can also do a shorter one-hour reading focusing on specific matters.
Technical Specifics
I've experimented with a variety of techniques and stick with those that have proven most successful. Much of this is from the Experience Astrology system developed by Don Jacobs, and his son, Jayj Jacobs with input from others including Tom Davidson, Paula Hook, and myself.
There are various ways of dividing the chart into the twelve houses that represent different fileds of experience. I use an Equal House system. If you have had charts done in other systems (Placidian is the most common of many.) I might place a planet on one house when a Placidian chart may have it in another.
I also superimpose a Solar Chart setting the Solar Wheel at the cusp of the first house where we normally see the Ascendant. This is a common technique used when the birth time is unknown, and it works then. Experience has shown over and over again --as common sense would suggest -- that it also works when we do know the birth time.
Here to the left we see Marlon Brando's natal chart, with the natal wheel set to the ascendant -- at the 9:00 position -- as the inner wheel. The outer wheel is the same only turned so the Sun is at the 9:00 position, setting the basis for the solar houses.
Compatibility Analysis
Electional Charts