Jack Fertig
(born 21 Feb. 1955 12:16 pm cst [18.16 gmt] in Chicago, Illinois, USA) has been studying Astrology since 1969 and practicing professionally in San Francisco since 1977. A long time columnist in the San Francisco Bay Times and then the San Francisco Spectrum, he now writes the internationally syndicated Q Scope and has also written for a number of other journals and magazines. He teaches classes and offers both personal and business consultations, but his principle interest is in outer planet motions and their correlations to social and historical changes. He is a member of the San Francisco Astrological Society, the International Society for Astrological Research, the National Council for Geo-Cosmic Research, a founding member of the Association For Astrological Networking, and on the steering committee of the San Francisco Astrological Society.

He can be reached by phone at +01 (415) 864-8302 or by e-mail at starjack@comcast.net

Astrological Lectures and Workshops

Classes, lectures, and workshops can be tailored to your particular needs and interests, ranging from the simplest introduction to the basics of astrological practice and/or history for beginners or a general audience to specialized topics for astrological groups and conferences. Some prepared topics include:

All About Eris
(first offered as "Welcome to Planet X")

Buckle your seatbelts, it's gonna be an oblique orbit! Like Eve Harrington, Eris is a pushy little newcomer with surprising power! Our newest planet, Eris is larger than Pluto and deserves examination as a major planet. As the discovery of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto have heralded new forces and concepts in society, Eris offers the possibility of new understandings of science and social dynamics. As with the other modern planets this suggests new dangers as well as opportunities.

Uranus – the Queer Planet

Uranus has been the planet most linked to homosexuality, but also to the social factors of industrialization and urbanization that make it more possible for people to separate from traditional family models and start intentional communities. Here we look at Uranus and related sky gods in mythology as well as the astro-physical queerness of the planet and transits and aspects of Uranus in the history of developing queer communities

Sexual Diversity: Gender, Orientation, and other Variations

Homos and Trannies and kink; Oh, my! Sexuality is far too complex for easy answers and an "astrological signature." In fact what we see in the charts of people with different sexual orientations, gender identities, or other forms of sexuality outside our presumed social norm of heterosexual monogamy may say more about our culture than the individuals we're observing. Our post-modern analysis of sex and astrology will include charts of individuals and a brief critical survey of astrological literature on sexual variance.

Outer Planet Cycles and Social Change

Astrology is often accused of being subjective and anecdotal, but as we move from the personal to the social and historical we see clearly mass movements and events being spelled out by the planets. We will examine outer planets in their transits through signs, mutual aspects and cyclic phase relationships as they play out on the historical stage.

Generational Astrology

As inner planets describe personal characteristics the slower outer planets describe generational traits, not just from a purely genethliacal perspective, but also by the describing formational events during their transits. We will focus on the outer planet birth placements and transits of the twentieth century, looking at generational traits not only autonomously, but also as stages and meters of social progress.

Mutual Receptions

The Mutual Reception is an odd aspect that takes many shapes, dimensions, and ranges from the individual emotional patterns of lunar receptions, and the chart-multiplying dimensions of the solar receptions, up to the generational power of the Uranus-Neptune reception (2003/4-2010) . The diversity of this aspect creates a vast complex that can seem intimidating, but the basic principles of it can simplify understanding and provide a strong base for interpretation.

Saturn, Pluto, Sex and Power: An Astrological History of the 20th Century

The 20th Century has been the most transformative period in human history. Through the outer planets we can see how we have catapulted from horse-and-buggy to interplanetary probes, through the rise and fall of empires, fascism, and Stalinism, to instant world-wide communications and the rise of a unified global culture. Of course our past sets the stage for our future. How high can we fly before the cycle turns to waning?

Art & Astrology

The human capacity for art and for measuring time by quantity and quality may be the two things that truly distinguish us from other species. Much of our earliest art, from the caves of Lascaux, and the architecture of ancient Mesopotamia, through the statues of Classical Greece and Rome, Renaissance paintings, and into the modern era reflect the human exploration of astrology. We can also get a glimpse of astrology as an indicator of changing fashions in art, and how artistic themes can serve, like the Tarot, as packages of astrological imagery.

The Year Ahead

Following in the tradition -- and closely following the tried and true techniques -- of Jayj Jacobs' Prediction Seminars, I will end the year with a forecast of the year ahead.

Birth Chart Analysis
Compatibility Analysis