Here are a few links to astrological resources that I particularly recommend:

Other Great Astrologers
Any good astrologer knows other good astrologers! If time and travel make it inconvenient for us to meet I’m happy to refer you to any of these among my colleagues, all excellent professionals I’m proud to know. This is only a very partial list.

Christian Borup Copenhagen, Denmark and Belgrade, Serbia
Bernadette Brady Bristol, England
Nick Campion Bristol, England
Monica Cromhout Cape Town, South Africa
Donna Cunningham Portland, Oregon
Carolyn Egan Providence, Rhode Island
Hannibal Giudice Sadly, Hannibal has passed over, but his site is being maintained by family members and good friend, Jayj Jacobs
Darrelyn Gunzberg Bristol, England
Robert Hand Reston, Virgina
Jayj Jacobs Oakland, California
Jeff Jawer Redmond, Washington
Hakan Kirkoglu Istanbul, Turkey
Lee Lehman Malabar, Florida
Michael Lutin New York City
Bill Meridian New York City
Jessica Murray San Francisco
Julia & Derek Parker Sydney, Australia
Frank Piechoski Delaware
Mikel Poulsen Seattle, Washington
Norma Jean Ream Big Island, Hawai'i
Sy Scholfield Brisbane, Australia
Branka Stamenkovic Belgrade, Serbia and Copenhagen, Denmark
Georgia Stathis Pleasant Hill, California
Zane Stein Atlanta Georgia
Erin Sullivan Victoria, British Columbia
Chris Turner Sydney, Australia
Noel Tyl Fountain Hills, Arizona

Data Sources
Astro*Data*Bank Lois Rodden’s immortal effort, now maintained by Pat Taglilatelo and others.
Mundane Charts of Nations Good resource for geo-political info, based largely on Nick Campion’s excellent work.

Astrology Schools
Kepler College is the one accredited college in the United States that offers a fully recognized degree program in astrology. They are located in Linwood, Washington, just outside of Seattle, but most of the teaching is done on line.
The University of Wales Lampeter offers a comparable program in the UK.
The Online College of Astrology also offers a range of courses that can be taken online from anywhere in the world, and boasts some of the finest astrologers teaching from locations all over the world!

General Resources
Arabic Parts Calculator Although I don’t work with Arabic Parts I’ve been known to play with them (Oh, behave!) and this is a dandy little calculator to help you figure them out.
Conference Calendar A list of upcoming astrology conferences
The Cosmic Intelligence Agency is a rich source of information with a kicky sense of humor, to boot! (I'm CIA agent "8 /12"!)
Find Astrologer A good general resource with extensive lists of links. produces magnetized birth charts with magnetic planet glyphs
Zodiacal Zephyr A very full list of resources!

And finally there is the Astrologers' Memorial a tribute to our friends and colleagues who have passed. For those of us who have been active in the professional community this is a loving remembrance of dear, dear friends; and to giants whose contributions to our understanding of astrology, and to the development of our professional community and its standards. Many thanks to Donna Cunningham for her work on this project.

Birth Chart Analysis